Monday, November 26, 2007

Shopping!!! Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th November

Dinner at Turkish restaurant Josh having some Sheisha pipe after dinner at our flat
Our Christmas tree and decorations
On Friday night Lou, Mike, Josh and I all went down the road to a great Turkish place for dinner and I enjoyed the most delicious dessert of dried apricots with a pastacio nut in them cream and crushed nuts wrapped around the outside - superb! Josh spent the weekend studying so Lou and I hit the shops on both Saturday and Sunday. We did Regent Street on Saturday and Oxford Street on Sunday, with the guise of buying Christmas presants, but really we throughly enjoyed shoe shopping - this time for Lou! We went to a huge sports store in Picadilly called Lilli Whites where we brought snow boots as we are going to Norway soon. We also enjoyed the make-up counters in John Lewis and Debenhams. A great weekend! On Sunday night we put up our Christmas decorations.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th November

This weekend we spent a lot of time eating! Josh and I went to West India Quay for dinner on Friday night. On Saturday, whilst Josh studied, Louise and I went to Romford to do some shopping. We went to the markets there and visited the 99p store where we got our christmas tree and decorations, a great day. In the evening Josh and I went for dinner in South Kensington and got an early night as we got up early for 10.30 church before meeting Jo, Nic and James for Sunday roast in Kilburn, this is where Dad went to grammer school!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Saturday 10th November, Lord Mayors Parade

Gog and Magog: These have been carried in the parade since the rign of Henry V and represent the pagan giants of early English Pageantry. These ones were made by members of the 'Worshipful Company of Basketmakers'! A float from Canary Wharf where we live! Battersea Dog Shelter - the oldest dog shelter, being established since 1870, caring for over 3 million dogs and cats. Look who's head is poking out the window and trying to jump out! The Late Lord Mayor, lots of other important people 'Aldermen' came in carriages before this procession but too many to put on the blog. The carriages all looked relatively similar. HCMR Royal Band The Royal Horse Guards Pikemen, formed from the oldest regiment in the british army
The Mayors Carriage On the waterfront after the fireworks
Inside the pub
Again today Josh stayed home and studied and Louise and I went to The Lord Mayors Parade, this is when the new mayor of london rides out in his gilded coach, with costumed escort from the guildhall to the Law courts where he swears and oath of Fealty to the reigning sovereign. Then the parade returns back to Mansion House. This has been occuring since the 13th century. We arrived just for the second leg of the parade as it took 2 hours for all the floats to go past. The floats ranged from charity groups, to countires, to the armed forces and of course the royal floats. I have included picutres of only some of the floats. It was good fun. Josh joined us at 5pm for an awsome fireworks display over the river. After the fireworks we went out for dinner to 'The old Cheshire Cheese' - the oldest pub in London and it survived the fire. Edgar Wallace used to drink here. Another good day in London.

Saturday 3rd November

Today Louise and I went to the Camden Markets, it's really funky there or should I say Punk! It's where Amy Winehouse lives, anyway it's a punk area of town and all the shops sell relevant paraphernalia, but it was heaps of fun! Josh stayed at home studying, as he is going to be doing his exam for entrance into the English Bar at the beginning of December. Before the markets Louise and I went to Leicester Square and purchased tickets at the half price booths there for 'The Phantom of the Opera', it was playing at 'Her Majesty's Theatre', Haymarket. Josh and Mike joined us in the evening and we had dinner at 'Cheers' in Piccadilly then walked down to Haymarket to see the show, it was brilliant! Really enjoyed ourselves. No photos allowed in the theatre sorry, they kept yelling out "no photos, no photos" - classy!