Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sarah's 28th Birthday

The day started with me going to work and not informing my colleagues that it was my birthday, until mid-day when a huge bag of flowers and balloons arrived from Josh! Everybody now knew it was my b-day! The balloons and me at my desk at work - i sit right next to the photocopier - check it out! After work i carried the ballons and roses, which were in a nice bag that went over my should, into London. Much to the disdain of some passangers on the underground, as my balloons did take up rather a large amount of room. Anyway, a group of us met and went on a walking tour about Jack the Ripper. There was quite a big group of people, not just us but in general, about a 100, so unfortnatly it did ruin the ambiance a little, and that coupled with balloons flapping in my ears i am none the wiser about Jack the Ripper and as Tatiana (friend) pointed out we will have to whickapdia it later! However, we had a good time and others who didn't have balloons everywhere could hear! Theresa and I - all the following photos are of people as we went around on the Jack the Ripper tour! I was referred to as Mrs Balloons by the tour guide, as everwhere I went I walked with a bag of roses over my shoulder and the balloons waving all over the place! Tatiana Josh and Myank - listening to the tour guide
Laura and Josh(Laura is also the same girl with the blonde wig and green tracksuit from austraila day - she looks much better in these photos! Laura, Ben and Cherie.
Louise and Belinda (friend from Hillsong) After the tour, some of the people came along to Brick Lane for dinner, which is a famous street for Indian food and we enjoyed the rest of the evening with curry and Tequila! Below are photos of dinner at Brick Lane. Tequilla Shots - for everyone after dinner.
See photo below for names of everyone! My birthday cake - Josh brought me another cake - only he left it in Ben's car - so the waiters got me a little one and i had a lovely round of hapy birhtday sung to me by everyone. Dinner at Brick Lane: People from Left to right: Ben(josh'work friend, Larissa (wife of Steve,), Josh, Me, Louise, Theresea (Louise's siter), Steve (Josh's workmate), Cherie (wife of Ben).
Some more lovely flowers were waiting for me when i got home, from Josh's parents - "Thank you very much" We arrived home about mid-night and Josh, Lou and Theresea light my actual cake from Josh and I got another round of Happy Birthday. The cake is a caterpiller called Colin!
Photo of my lovely coloured socks that kept my feet warm whilst we were walking about.
Aren't I a lucky girl! All those flowers and balloons! The morning after and everything is tidied up! In the morning Louise had put a banner up in our lounge with happy birthday ballons - you can see the banner in the picture. I had a really nice birthday and "Thank You" to everyone for all the lovely things you got me and to those of you who celebrated the day with me!