Photos from day in Hoffenbrou tent
Josh, Corney, Steve, Simon
Dave and his girlfriend
Louise made a new friend!
Inside the tent at 8.30am!
7.30am start!
Saturday in the Beer Garden (all the Italians are singing some Italian song). I was sitting right behind the guys in white t-shirts and it wasn't long after this that one fell on me! Thank goodness no beer was spilt and not damage done! Unlike on Sunday in the tent some unruly NZer!!! (no one we knew) got drunk and fell on me spilling an entire Stein of beer on me so i stank like a brewery - i was covered shoulders to knees in beer!
Larissa and I enjoying our first Stein on Friday night
Beer Garden on Saturday afternoon with Corney
Josh on the shooting!
The lion roars and we queued listening to it for 3 hours!
Josh, Tim, Steve, Simon
A group of us headed out to Munich on Friday morning to experience Oktoberfest. Some went home Sunday evening and the remainder of us did some sightseeing and went home on the Monday. We arrived on Friday and headed to Oktoberfest, enjoying the carnival side - Josh did not so bad on the shooting and won me a souvenir. We had dinner in a traditional German tent and I managed to get a wine! We had a beer in a garden bar and headed home (they stop serving at 11pm). Some of the others went out sightseeing on the Saturday but Simon, Tim, Larissa, Steve, Corney, Josh and I headed into Oktoberfest. It was absolutely mad! We queued for 3 hours to get into the Lowenbrau tent then gave up leaving some of the others in the cue. Josh, Corney and I enjoyed the rest of the afternoon in a garden bar with a whole group of Italians. It was Italian weekend and they where out in full force. We met up with the group to have dinner in town at the Hoffenbrou Hall. Due to our lack of success on Saturday we arrived at Oktoberfest at 7.30 am on Sunday morning and sure enough we got into the Hoffenbrou tent and spent the day there drinking - first Stein at 9am - a little difficult if I may say so. But the food was delicious - bratwurst and half a chicken! Some of the guys enjoyed the ribs. Due to a day of drinking we left at about 6 pm to go to bed! On Monday we had a walk around Munich and met up with the other to have lunch in the English gardens before returning to London. What can I say, what an experience!