Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August Bank Holiday Weekend

This was the last weekend before the baby is due so Josh and I thought we make the most of it (as much as was possible anyway - being that pregnant!)  We had some building work done at the flat on Friday and by the time they where finished the house was filthy so on Friday night we went out to dinner at a local Thai place then met up with Steve, Larissa, Audrey and Nick at the pub.  The builders had to come back on Saturday so we stayed at home in the morning then went out to the a really nice local pub on the water for lunch.   The weather has been really changeable, sunny the one minute and raining the next, so we had a nice lunch in the sun then got absolutely drenched on the walk home!

Josh had arranged for a cleaner to come around in the afternoon to put the house back in order!  I went out for a coffee with Larissa and Kate whilst Josh supervised the cleaning then we went out with Larissa, Mayank and Jankai for a curry down the road!  On Sunday we had brunch at the local cafe before heading onto church and then off to the Howards for a really nice BBQ!  If we felt like we hadn't eaten enough by then we then went out on Monday to South Kensington for Crepes for lunch before picking up some cupcakes for afternoon tea from the Hummingbird bakery - oh we did take a stroll around the V&A museum before heading home for the cupcakes!