Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Monday 28th May - Wales Part 2

Cardiff Bay
The old national assembly building - Wales is governed by Westminster but does make some of it's owns law - about education and transport etc
Baked potatoe and baked beans - you get them everywhere here - i love them - could eat them all day long! German Festival in Cardiff Bay -
Millenium Centre in Cardiff Bay
In the afternoon we went down to Cardiff Bay and looked at the Millenium Centre - the performing arts centre and saw a live brass band. We walked around the Bay - notice the gray clouds comming it - it started raining again just as we were leaving. We had lunch and a beer in the tent sent up for a german festival - it was a good day and believe it or not - Josh got a little sunburnt! At 5pm we departed Cardiff and bussed back to London. A great holiday in Wales.