Sunday, July 1, 2007

A catch up

Jo and James and the lovely dinner they cooked - stuffed peppers and rice risotto
From left to right: Phil, Diana (lou's parents) Lou, Dave and Mike

Despite this weekend we haven't been doing much sightseeing - just working and doing the things you do on the weekend. A few weekends ago we went to this massive Australian pup called the 'Walkabout' to watch the rugby. Josh was working so came to pup late but by that stage it was full so Josh had to stay outside as I texted him each time someone scored! We won that game so I really enjoyed it but poor Josh!! Afterwards we had a drink at a pub that is actually a pup floating on the Thames - very cool. We have had Louises parents staying with for a little while in between the tours they have done around Europe and the UK. They took us out for dinner to the place you see - it serves sausages from all over the world all made from different meats - they even make gluten free ones for me! The other night I went out to see my cousin Jo again and met her boyfriend James and had dinner with them, they live in West Hamsted, unfortunalty Nic and Josh couldn't join us as they were working. Josh is still working hard and long hours coming home about 11pm most week nights and sometimes having the weekend off and other times working. I have a job now, I am still an agency staff member but I am working 4 days a week in a support house for people with mental illness. They live in their own flats and we work to support them to live independantly - it's a really great idea and i'm enjoying it which is excellent. I would prefer 5 days a week, but at least it's guarnateed work. I only do a 7.5hr day which does feel a little short, I am either working 8-3.30pm or 10.30 - 6pm. Anyway, I am still sending my CV in to a variety of other jobs that will permanent.

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