Friday, May 6, 2011

ITALY TRIP: Day 1: Pisa – 29th April 2011

Josh driving our tiny Fiat! Bells at the top of the leaning tower. Our holiday in Italy started with one of those awful Ryanair flights – this one left at 6.30am – meaning we had to leave home at 3.30am!!!!! Because we have moved areas, I don’t know any taxi companies in the area so I book with one but because it’s the first time I confirm the night before – yes, yes I hear, the taxi will be waiting for you. At 3.35am – no taxi – instinct is telling me to ring – I ring the company – no answer! I have major panic – now 3.40am and tell Josh I can’t cope and he has to do something. Ah a taxi in the distance – we approach – but no – it’s Addison Lee (fancy cooperate Taxi Company that charges an arm and a leg but also won’t pick you up unless you call the centre). I’m about ready to call the police to take us to the airport – Josh thinks this is a little rash! However, he saved the humiliation as a black cab comes past and the lovely man takes us all the way to standstead for £120!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s normally between £50 – 70. Anyhow, I was glad we made it! What a start – well everything got better - Ryanair hit a new low and not only did they make us cue in the terminal and again on the stairs but also outside the plane in the cold! We make it to Pisa and pick up our hire car – a tiny little fiat – so funny when Josh is sitting up straight his head touches the roof!!! We saw the Leaning Tower and climbed up the inside then took our little car to Florence where we are staying for the night. We wanted to watch the end of the royal wedding and catch up on the day but, yes you guessed it, the internet we paid for didn’t work! And the TV is all in Italian – no sky for price we’re paying! Out for dinner tonight and off to the galleries tomorrow.

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