Above: The boat we took across the lake
check out the thing josh is holding, it grows on this tree's trunk! Above is them all on the floor - got to be carful during the season they drop as they are really heavy! Also when they are cracked open they stink!
The fig tree that takes over other trees!
the small boat being bailed out!
Can you see the trantula the guide is enticing it out of it's hole with a stick!
the parrot at the lodge - he spoke spanish - 'Hola'
Sadleback tamerin monkey

An early morning of
5.30am (and I thought these where over) as breakfast was at 6am. When we woke it was pouring with rain
so we waited back an hour before heading out! Again with all our long clothes on – only this time with the
rain jacket – the good thing was the rain had cooled it down to 27 degrees but
no change to the humidity! We went
on a short boat ride then started our trek to see what we could see. The highlights where a massive
tarantula and the strangler fig trees that ‘take over’ other tree’s! We took a ride across the lake in this
tiny boat that they had to bail all the water out of before we got in! We saw some beautiful birds and some
bats and on the way back we fed the Parana from the boat – how exciting. Back at the lodge for 12 for
lunch. After lunch we had an
option of going to visit a plantation but I was so tired I slept all afternoon,
meanwhile Josh drank beer and played Jenga in the bar! Although this was not all wasted as Josh
saw some saddleback tamarind monkeys whilst he was playing and got some good
photo’s with our new camera. We
went out for a night boat ride at 7m to spot Cayman. When we came back we saw a porcupine – from a distance! He was crawling under the lodge and
when we shone our torch on him he looked fluorescent yellow! He also had a huge long tail - no picture sorry!