Today we went out on a boat and visited some places on Lake Titicaca. We took a rather exhausting walk up a hill on an island for the view (really exhausting as the altitude makes it difficult to breath and hence walk really)! We had a nice lunch of trout fillet then went on to the island of Luguina where we are staying for the night in a home stay. When we arrived we played to locals at football, they of course won – not being affected by the altitude. Josh put in a good effort but was sporting quite a bad headache – despite the pills! We then got allocated a family who dressed us up in traditional dress and we did some folk dancing! At 7pm it was time for us to go with our families to their ‘homes’ for dinner. I use the term loosely as the kitchen was a mud hut with a grass roof with a gas element (which was used to cook dinner) or an open fireplace (used to cook breakfast). We had this really nice soup that is traditional in Peru then we had potato stew and rice for mains. We soon learnt that potato was classed as a vegetable and hence in Peru it is perfectly acceptable to provide it as the vegetable contingent part of the meal with the rice! We brought them gifts before we left Puno and gave them fruit, soccer ball and hair clips. Our family had 2 children, David 4 year ad Tracey 10 years. The house had 3 parts, the kitchen, our bedroom and there bedroom. The bedrooms have plaster walls. O and the toilet – well it was a toilet but no running water so no paper down the toilet, it was left in a bucket by the toilet and water was poured down the toilet to flush it! Due to us not speaking Spanish and them no speaking English we had quite a nice early night of 8pm and got 10 hours sleep – although no complaining as still catching up from the other night!