Louise and I checked out the Diana memorial in Harrods - when Josh and i went we missed this bit, it's a monument to them (the guy she died with was the son of the guy who own Harrods) anyway, in the box - diamond shaped thing is he diamnond ring that he had in his pocket! who know who for! anyway - it was massive, i couldn't capture the size on camera. Then the statue is of them releasing a dove. The first picutre is of an egyptian statue thing that is opposite because the stiars in Harrods are themed and the Diana memorial is on the Egyptian escalators.
Josh couldn't come becuase he had to go into work for a few hours - then got a haircut - which is quite expensive over here - it's dollar for pound equivalence so Josh haircut was 27 pounds which from what we have seen is quite reasonable, unless you go to a barber then you can get a cut for about 10pounds - Josh didn't want the shaved look so decided to bypass the barber option. Then we went and saw his friend from South Africa - Nicholas G (i can't spell his family name, he's Greek) but hopefully the Jones family will know who i am talking about. Josh hadn't seen him since he left South Africa in 1996! So it was quite a reunion. Josh was stoked and it was funny for me to hear stories that Josh was as much trouble in South Africa as he was at Howick Colleage! And that the Jones place was the "cool" place to go - so they could all work out what they were going to do for the day - besides going to school! - which by the sounds of things didn't happen much! i hear Josh used to get himself a jug (literally a mesuring jug) of coffee in the mornings before school! i heard other horry stories which are not fit for public reading or of informing "the parents" - ha ha - it was a good evening!