Monday, April 23, 2007

HMS Belfast - Naval Museum Saturday 21st April

Before going onto the Belfast we saw the bridge being raised for a boat to go through
View of city from the boat - this side is where Josh works and where we were staying
View from the boat of London Brige Area - we had lunch there
Guns on the deck Josh is standing next to the Torpedo
Boiler and Engine Rooms
This morning began by catching a taxi and taking most of our stuff to Mike and Daves to store for a few weeks and Louise moved back with them. This is because we have to move out of our flat this weekend. After that we went around the HMS Belfast, it is moored between Tower Bridge and London Bridge - she is most famous for helping the advancing troops on D-day, she blew up the opponants as the arm approached. She apparently also helped in sinking the German ship Scharnhorst - but I don't know anything about that yet. In the evening Josh and I went out for dinner and visited some friends of his from work in New Zealand. Sunday 22nd April - we watched some of the London Marathon on TV today then we moved out of the flat and into a friend of Josh's for a week. We have 2 weeks of sleeping at other peoples places before we get to unpack for the last time for a while! It will be good!

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