Friday, April 13, 2007

Museum Visits

Photo of Alex and the ceiling of the Museum
Science and Natural History Museum
The inside of the museum
Dinosaur Exhibit
Look at all the people queing to get into the exhibit
Marine Animals Exhibit
Earth Exhibit
Pictures from the Victoria and Albert Museum
Today whilst Josh worked I went sighseeing with a friend from New Zealand who has just moved over - Alex - Josh's friend. We went to the Science and Natural History Museum and then to the Victoria & Albert Museum. The V&A muesum is full of artifacts and art. The picutres i took are off some old stately homes that were made up in the muesum that you could go and have a look in -very pretty. The Natural History museum was full of kids and prams! quite a big drama! Anyway we went to different exhibits, however, the dinosaurs were defineatly the best. We had to wait in this long que to get in then we had to shuffle around in this big long line - i have never seen anything like it - in a museum no less! It was done really well, each exhibit had a ground floor then you went upstairs to a mezanine floor. The first picutres are of the outside of the building - it was really beautiful, the museum is located in South Kensington - which is a really pretty area, heaps of nice old building. I met Josh and Louise after work and we signed up for our own place, it's in Docklands or Isle of Dogs. We move in on the 6th May so I will put picutres up once we have moved in!

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